Countries Who are Best at Using English as a Second Language

Currently, recent data has shown that there are around 1.5 billion people who are capable of speaking English in different countries all over the world. This makes travelling easier for those who are capable of speaking the language. This makes being able to communicate in the English language a good feat of travelling.


Besides this, it also makes travelers less prone to being scammed by local scammers who take advantage of those not familiar with their local topography. There are instances where in if someone is obviously having a hard time communicating with them, they would take advantage by asking for imaginary fees. There are also moments wherein some public utility vehicle drivers will tell the tourists to just ride with them and they’ll bring them to a tourist attraction even if it’s of a walking distance or in a very complicated part of town. With this, we can therefore come into the conclusion that having a common language in a foreign country will definitely put you into an advantage.


Thankfully, an English tutor ib in Hong Kong can help you succeed in learning the language in a nick of time. The tutor will able to guide you in reading, writing, and communicating using the English language. The assigned tutor will also be able to guide you with techniques on how to easily pronounce words with its proper pronunciation. In addition, your questions can easily be answered and your mistakes can easily be corrected. With this, you will be able to properly speak the language, or become better at it, without even realizing it.


And, to aid in your future travels, here are the countries best at using English as a second language in the entire world.


  1. Netherlands – 72 proficiency score
  2. Denmark – 71 proficiency score
  3. Sweden – 70 proficiency score
  4. Norway – 68 proficiency score
  5. Finland – 66 proficiency score
  6. Singapore – 63.5 proficiency score
  7. Luxembourg – 63 proficiency score
  8. Austria – 62 proficiency score
  9. Germany – 61.5 proficiency score

10. Poland – 61.4 proficiency score

With regards to the English proficiency per continent, here are the following countries per continent with the highest scores.

  1. Europe

Europe is dominated by Netherlands. This is in line with the top 10 countries all over the world who are proficient in the English language. Besides those on the top 10, there are other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Serbia, Hungary, and Romania.

  1. Asia

Singapore tops the list in Asia, being the only Asian country in the top 10 countries in the entire world. This is followed by Malaysia and the Philippines. Other countries such as India, South Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Taiwan or more or less also capable of speaking in English as a second language.

  1. Latin America

The top to countries that dominated South America are Argentina and the Dominican Republic.

  1. Middle East and North Africa

Although the scores are relatively low, the top two countries dominating the Middle East and North Africa are Morocco and UAE.

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